Thursday, November 17, 2011

-I LoVe YoU ToMmIe- 4

I woke up to smoke descending in the room I knew it was tom but I thought he quit...guess not. I walked behind the curtain and saw him take a long drag and wipe 'tears?' from his face I heard him talking to himself in German I couldn't really understand because I'm not fluent but I understood some word like why and I and go 'why didn't I just go' I looked weirdly at him as he continued talking to himself in English "I fucking heard her but I thought it was nothing" he wiped some unwanted tears and continued "I just kept on that fucking slut for that night it was my fault Scheisse!" he quietly yelled as he dropped his cigarette and the light another. I walked out whispering "Tommie?" he turned clearing his face of tears then turned "go to bed Lena!" I took his hand then looked in his eyes "why are you crying" he turned away I ripped then cigarette from his hand and yelled "What the hell Tommie" he just stared at me then gave me a long deep kiss "I'm sorry" he whispered then walked to Bills room which was the biggest and had two beds. I went to bed thinking and very confused at what happened- the next day I got ready and then left without anyone noticing I just walked and walked till I got to a spot Tom and I had found when we had first met. I had fell asleep there because we had a canopy I woke up to my phone ringing I answered and whispered "Hello?" it was Tom "were are you?!" he said panicked. I rolled my eyes "With a boy now bye!" he said in a jealous tone "What boy?" I ...

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